12 Benefits of Journaling

Journaling began a few years ago in my life and it has helped in a vast number of ways. Some people do it daily and others do it a few times a week. The key is whatever you decide to do be consistent at what you choose.

Today I’d like to share with you a few benefits you can receive from journaling regularly.

  1. Stress Reliever: When I sit down to write in my journal I have to focus on putting my thoughts on the blank page. The process of doing this causes me to adjust my surroundings.  I can keep it totally quiet or play soft music. I might light a candle if I’m indoors or I have the flexibility to go sit in nature at a park or on my patio. Knowing that I’m preparing to write in my journal relieves stress just by the change in my environment to help me be able to focus on my thoughts and the words moving across the page.
  2. Record your life: As you journal you will take moments to record events that are taking place in your life. A birthday, anniversary, going on vacation, having a success or failure and so on. This allows you to go back and create a life chronicle that you or your family can go back and read later in the future. This helps you record your memories as you focus on the moments of your day. It will give you clarity and allow easier recall in the future.
  3. Idea dump: A journal is a great place to express ideas you may have for things you want to accomplish in your life. They can be personal or business related items. It’s a way of recording them and not counting on your memory to retain them as you can always go back and read over your idea lists.
  4. Routine: Many of us are creatures of habit and we like to have a routine in our life. Sitting down to write in your journal could be as soothing as sitting down to a cup of coffee or tea. It helps you create a daily habit that allows you to relax and get out thoughts, feelings, ideas and stress that you hold in. This routine will help you have a more peaceful day and life overall.
  5. Practice honestly: When expressing yourself on the page it becomes difficult to see the point in fibbing to your journal. It helps you be honest about what you are feeling, the thoughts associated with events and what is truly important to you.
  6. Clarity in making decisions: We all wonder what is the best use of our time, should we take that job or not and journaling can help you focus on what is important to you. Expressing yourself on paper with the various options you have will help your choices become clearer in the process.
  7. Take Action: We all write down our hopes and dreams and what we wish we could accomplish. It is proven that those that write down their goals achieve more in life than those that don’t write them down. The act of writing it down helps you clarify and make them more real in your thoughts. Once you make a decision as to what is important to you then you can begin figuring out the steps needed to take action to make them happen.
  8. Be you: When you journal you can be 100% you. That paper isn’t going to judge your thoughts or feelings like social media, friends or family. This lets you express yourself and explore your thoughts as you work out what is you and what you really want without the pressure of others.
  9. Personal growth: The more you journal the more you will go inside of yourself to reveal insights and comprehend you better. We are complex beings and understanding why we do something takes time and real thought. This helps you figure that out and make changes where you feel you need them.
  10. Enhance creativity: A journal can be anything you want it to be. It can be your written thoughts, it can be drawings, it can be quotes or songs. Journaling can be anything you need or want it to be based on how you are feeling on any given day. The beauty is the more creative you are the more creative you will become.
  11. Emotional release: There are times situations happen and you can’t express yourself the way you really would like. In your journal you can vent, scream, yell, threaten and just let those emotions out. Being able to do that will allow you to get past an event, move on and let it go because you have dealt with the emotions you couldn’t release like you may have wanted.
  12. Health benefits: Journaling can help you physically and emotionally with dealing with your life. I already stated it was a stress reliever but it also can help you heal faster. It also helps you process and heal past wounds, deal with the present and shape your future without judgement. In some ways it’s similar to therapy but done in private with your own thoughts and words.

There are many ways you can begin journaling. You can purchase a notebook or go all out and get a hard bound leather journal. It’s really a personal preference as to what you enjoy when keeping a journal.

We hope you will consider one of our many journals that we have available. Check out our products page here.
