Journaling to Help Focus

Journaling is meant to help you get clarity and focus in what is important to you in your life. It was commonly used by famous people to help them keep track of successes and failures, plan out goals, keep thoughts clear and more. Some of the people that used a journal were: George Patton, Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, John Adams, Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway to name a few.

Here are a few ways that journaling can keep you focused and on track to achieving things in your life that matter to you.

1. Begin your day with journaling. Each morning you can list things like what you are grateful for, things that could make today great for you and what the one thing you must get accomplished in that day.

2. You can keep a list of goals within your journal and track your progress by what you focused on, how long something took you to complete, who you need to contact, what type of deadlines you need to have and more.

3. It’s a great way to recap things you have read and found profound or inspirational.

4. You can list the things you learn each day from experiences that took place, projects or tasks completed, conversations with others and more.

5. It’s a great way to list the top three amazing things that happened in that day. This helps you to pull out the positive even on some of life’s worst days. This also shows you that amazing things do and can happen every day in your life.

6. It’s a way to list what you achieved each day. A way to see where you are succeeding and how some things like busy work might be hindering getting things done.

7. How are you feeling right now in that moment when you sit down to write in your journal? It can be a day full of accomplishments and joy or it could be a day of failures and feelings of dissatisfaction that you can get out. This will help you work through those bad days and see how you can change things to go better if it happens again.

8. What are you thankful for about your day? Even the worst days have things that you can be thankful for if you look at the events and see how circumstances that took place may have been blessings in disguise.

9. How could you have made your day better? This allows you to think about your day, events, work, meetings and so forth and see how you could have made it more productive, encouraged someone, been more understanding or more. Each day should be the best it can be and this will open your eyes to ways to make each day better than the day before.

Journaling can be utilize to keep you focused on what matters most to you and in doing so make you more productive, give you a feeling of accomplishment at the end of each day and thankful for the day you had.

Add journaling to your daily life so that you can be the best you that you can be.
